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Understanding Hip Dysplasia in Dogs and How Chiropractic Care Can Help

dog patient adjustmentAt Top of the Line Chiropractic, we understand the deep bond you share with your dog and how important their health and happiness are to you. Hip dysplasia is a common concern among larger and giant breed dogs, and we’re here to offer compassionate and effective chiropractic care to help manage this condition.

What is Hip Dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia is a genetic disease in dogs where the hip socket does not properly accommodate the ball of the hip joint. This misalignment causes the hip joint to function improperly, leading to pain and mobility issues. Larger and giant breed dogs, such as Labradors, German Shepherds, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Great Danes, and Rottweilers, are more prone to hip dysplasia due to their size and the stress their weight puts on their joints as they mature.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

While chiropractic care cannot change the malformed hip socket itself, it can significantly alleviate the pain and mobility issues caused by hip dysplasia. Our chiropractic adjustments aim to bring the hips more into line, reducing discomfort and making it easier for your dog to move around. The effectiveness of these adjustments often depends on the category and severity of the dysplasia.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Hip Dysplasia

Younger dogs with hip dysplasia often show notable improvements in movement and experience less pain following chiropractic treatments. By carefully adjusting the spine and hips, we can help reduce the strain on the joints, enhancing your dog’s ability to walk, run, and play without discomfort.

For dogs with mild to moderate hip dysplasia, chiropractic care, combined with rehabilitation exercises and a comprehensive wellness plan, can manage the condition effectively. This holistic approach helps in maintaining your dog’s mobility and quality of life.

When Surgery is Necessary

In cases of severe hip dysplasia, surgery may be required to correct the issue properly. However, chiropractic care can still play a vital role in pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation, helping to prepare your dog for surgery and aiding in a quicker recovery afterward.

The Importance of Accurate Diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis of hip dysplasia is crucial for effective treatment. X-rays are necessary to determine the extent of the condition, and we work closely with veterinarians to ensure a comprehensive approach. If x-rays are needed, we will refer you to a trusted vet to obtain these vital images.

Supporting Larger Breeds

Given that larger and giant breed dogs are at a higher risk for hip dysplasia, it’s essential to monitor their joint health closely as they grow. Regular chiropractic check-ups can help detect early signs of hip dysplasia and manage any developing issues promptly, ensuring your dog remains active and comfortable.

Helping Your Dog Live Comfortably

At Top of the Line Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping your dog live their best life, free from the pain and limitations of hip dysplasia. Our gentle and effective care is designed to support your dog’s joint health and overall well-being, providing relief and improving mobility.

Find out how we can help today!


Hip Dysplasia in Dogs Broomfield, Denver CO | (303) 990-5029